
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

True Copy

THE SID (Space Investigator Department) had received some radio-signals in reply to their signals, which were directed arbitrarily into space. Many times they found it happening from the northwestern part of the space (taking earth as a reference frame). Eminent mathematicians found that the “replying body” was 200 million kms away from earth. They decided to send a superfast spaceship (Capollo 1) to the celestial body and they chose Ahmed, a student of astrophysics to confirm its character.
Ahmed was supplied with modern kits: a radio-wave detector, gravitation detector, pressure detector and space-suit.

His radio-wave detector suddenly started beeping. “They are sending waves, trace it and find its source, OVER,” boomed the Earth-based control station. Ahmed concentrated on
the direction of the signal.
Suddenly he realised that the wave connection from Earth was destroyed. He became furious, but could not find any way to recover. He decided to calmly concentrate on the northwestern part of the space.
A bluish planet was coming nearer and nearer. The space ship entered the gravitational field of the planet; its gravity replicating that of his own planet. As the ship landed, Ahmed dived out with a parachute and realised that the pressure was equal to that of earth. Completely
flabbergasted, he landed on ground covered with lush vegetation. He realised that it was a garden. He went ahead and saw a human being standing at the middle of it. The man was old and had a long beard. He unceremoniously introduced himself to Ahmed. Scientist Alfred Helter, who was lost in space twenty years ago.
Still baffled, Ahmed said, “But how can this planet be exactly like the Earth?” Helter said that it was a replica of earth; the comet which once brought life on earth also passed by this planet.
There was another Ahmed here, anoth
er mummy and another papa.
When humans sleep, they travel from earth to this planet, and the path is called ‘dream’. This has been continuing over years. Ahmed asked, “But who sends the radio signals to earth from this planet?”
“Why? Am I not eminent enough to do it?”